Everyone deserves unobstructed access to voting. While some in the Statehouse are actively trying to make the voting process more difficult– specifically for historically underserved groups– this is not okay. Not everyone has the same “path” to voting on Election Day. Some folks work hours that prevent them from making it to the polls, while others have trouble finding transportation or childcare. If your path to voting on Election Day is a simple one, that’s great! But we need to lift up those who are being actively suppressed, so they have that same access to democracy.
When Kansans and Americans make their voices heard, those voices should be respected. Instead of spreading misinformation about voter fraud and questioning the integrity of elections, elected officials should honor the results of the election. Instead of supporting or participating in an insurrection, elected officials and members of the public should communicate their disappointment in a safe and democratic way. Instead of voting for legislation that makes voting more difficult or takes the power of the vote away from the people, I will vote for legislation that makes the voting process easier and legislation that affirms the power of the democratic vote.
When Kansans and Americans make their voices heard, those voices should be respected. Instead of spreading misinformation about voter fraud and questioning the integrity of elections, elected officials should honor the results of the election. Instead of supporting or participating in an insurrection, elected officials and members of the public should communicate their disappointment in a safe and democratic way. Instead of voting for legislation that makes voting more difficult or takes the power of the vote away from the people, I will vote for legislation that makes the voting process easier and legislation that affirms the power of the democratic vote.