No one is coming for your guns, unless you are someone who shouldn’t have them in the first place. I respect responsible gun owners and collectors. I learned about responsible gun ownership as a child, from my dad. He also taught me marksmanship skills, as we would shoot targets from our deck into the backyard of our home. If you’re a responsible gun owner, with guns for hunting, marksmanship, or self-defense, I will defend your right to reasonable and responsible ownership.
Reasonable and responsible gun ownership would have prevented many of the tragic accidents, mass shootings, and domestic terror attacks in our state and across the country. It is not reasonable for anyone outside of the military to own weapons of war. And it is not responsible for a gun owner to leave their firearm in a freely accessible location. Unfortunately, reasonable and responsible gun ownership is not the norm. And while many elected officials continue to cut deals and accept money from corrupt groups like the NRA, gun accidents and domestic terror attacks continue.
Children are dying. And children who should be enjoying time learning and building relationships with teachers and peers too often have that time interrupted by traumatizing lockdown, lock-in, and active shooter drills. I have crouched in the corner with my students too many damn times to count and it is beyond time for us to do something about it. Partners and spouses of domestic abusers are actively in danger every day that goes by where their abuser is allowed to have a firearm. Domestic terrorists are being radicalized online in the darkest corners of the internet, posting content that should raise all kinds of red flags, and yet they still end up purchasing firearms.
There is not enough space on this webpage to describe similar situations or list all of the victims of gun violence in just the past year alone. But there is plenty of fire in my heart to stand up and fight for an end to this. Reasonable and responsible gun ownership should be the norm, not fear and anxiety about “where next.” An overwhelming number of Americans support measures to curb gun violence like expanded background checks and "red flag" laws. I will fight for those measures beside you.
Reasonable and responsible gun ownership would have prevented many of the tragic accidents, mass shootings, and domestic terror attacks in our state and across the country. It is not reasonable for anyone outside of the military to own weapons of war. And it is not responsible for a gun owner to leave their firearm in a freely accessible location. Unfortunately, reasonable and responsible gun ownership is not the norm. And while many elected officials continue to cut deals and accept money from corrupt groups like the NRA, gun accidents and domestic terror attacks continue.
Children are dying. And children who should be enjoying time learning and building relationships with teachers and peers too often have that time interrupted by traumatizing lockdown, lock-in, and active shooter drills. I have crouched in the corner with my students too many damn times to count and it is beyond time for us to do something about it. Partners and spouses of domestic abusers are actively in danger every day that goes by where their abuser is allowed to have a firearm. Domestic terrorists are being radicalized online in the darkest corners of the internet, posting content that should raise all kinds of red flags, and yet they still end up purchasing firearms.
There is not enough space on this webpage to describe similar situations or list all of the victims of gun violence in just the past year alone. But there is plenty of fire in my heart to stand up and fight for an end to this. Reasonable and responsible gun ownership should be the norm, not fear and anxiety about “where next.” An overwhelming number of Americans support measures to curb gun violence like expanded background checks and "red flag" laws. I will fight for those measures beside you.